On January 9, 2017, the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) launched a joint trans-national call for multinational research projects for pathway analysis.
Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are a global health, economic and social emergency. More than 40 million people worldwide are estimated to be living with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders – the most common class of neurodegenerative diseases – and this figure is expected to significantly increase in the coming decades. Yet, with the exception of a few cases, no curative treatment exists, and the basic underlying mechanisms of many neurodegenerative diseases remain poorly understood.
With this in mind, JPND has identified an urgent need for targeted investment to better understand the fundamental links between different diseases. There is already clinical, genetic and biochemical evidence that similar molecular pathways are relevant in different neurodegenerative and other chronic diseases. This call, which follows a similar call successfully launched by JPND in 2013, invites proposals for ambitious, innovative, multinational and multidisciplinary collaborative research projects to perform network analyses across such diseases in order to further elucidate the common underlying mechanisms involved. This combined analysis could lead to a re-definition of clinical phenotypes and new approaches in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Funding: The total made available for this call is 23 million euros (from all participating countries). Under this call, each country funds their own national participants in successful collaborative proposals, according to their national budget allocation.
Learn more at the call page.
The deadline to submit pre-proposals is March 6, 2017. euMatch can help you find partners
Please check the list of particpating Countries here
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