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Access to Risk Finance and SMEs NCP cooperation network – ACCESS4SMES is a 30 months Coordination and Support Action established with the aim to empower the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for Small Medium-sized Enterprises – SMEs and Access to risk finance – ARF under Horizon 2020.
The overall objective is to facilitate transnational cooperation among NCPs for SMEs and ARF, upgrade their skills and tools in order to raise their standard of support, identifying and sharing good practices across SME/Industry dedicated instruments in Horizon 2020 in close collaboration with other EU networks. More in detail ACCESS4SMEs aims to:
- Improving NCP capacities to provide systemic knowledge (NCP Curriculum) to clients across different funding actions and access to finance opportunities
- Identifying key success factors for SME competitive proposals across different H2020 project thematic areas
- Assessing the impact of SME Instrument on beneficiaries with a view on capturing patterns on SMEs’ growth strategy and value propositions
- Spreading knowledge on access to risk finance opportunities under Horizon 2020, notably InnovFin products and sharing information and practices on financial instruments
- Enhancing the outreach of the this Network through strategic communication and dissemination activities to maximize the impact of its activities, services and results
Info & contact :
Lead partner: APRE
Central Office – Via Cavour, 71 – 00184 Roma
Tel. 06 48939993 - Fax 06 48902550
The European IPR Helpdesk is a service initiative of the European Commission managed by the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI). The initiative offers information, direct advice and training in the fields of “Intellectual Property” (IP) and “Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) to current and potential participants of EU funded research and innovation projects – primarily academia and SMEs. Furthermore, European SMEs being involved in transnational partnership agreements or technology transfer activities have access to the services of the initiative. The service range of the European IPR Helpdesk comprises in detail the following services – all of them are offered free of charge:
- Website (
- Helpline
- Email news service Newsletter “Bulletin”
- Awareness raising events
- Training activities
Whether you need personal assistance on a specific IPR issue, want to be informed about the latest developments in the world of IP and R&D in Europe, or are interested in a training session on IPR – the European IPR Helpdesk is the right partner to turn to.
More information is available under:
HealthCompetence is a pan-European Research Information System within Health Science that facilitates collaboration and partnerships between academia and industry.
HealthCompetence, a EU-funded support action, presents all the 3.800 projects funded by the European Commission since 2004 related to Life Science and Health and offers a broad vision of international and multidisciplinary cooperation in Europe.
For each project, the website displays general information but even its results in terms of technology offers, patents and publications. By structuring this information thematically, allows searching for activities and players in certain research or disease areas and hence facilitates the identification of suitable collaboration partners and the dissemination of public funded research results.
Beyond this, the website ensures a continuously reliable data quality.
More information is available under:
eHealth Hub is a Horizon 2020 project which aims at providing business oriented services tailored to the needs of European eHealth of over 700 SMEs and other relevant stakeholders in order to secure their continuation after the project end via a sustainable support structure, while stimulating the demand for eHealth solutions. Services provided include:
- Business modelling
- Business Model Clinic
- Solution Match
- Investments Readiness
- Investment Platform
- eHealth Roadshow
- Legal guidance
- Regulatory Guidance
For more info, please visit the project landing page at
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