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Advice on bringing project results to the market
How could you successfully exploit your EU project results?
Exploitation trainings on knowledge transfer, innovation financing and management
What can you expect?
The trainings will focus on the sensitive issues of knowledge transfer, IPR strategy and protection, business creation and innovation financing and management.
Who should attend?
These trainings target primarily SMEs operating in the health area and related fields (including pharma, med-tech, biotech, e-health), but also entrepreneurs (incl. researchers) and research institute TTOs, all with tangible results ready for exploitation.
Exploitation partnering events
What can you expect?
The partnering events offer an excellent platform to meet with potential partners from research business and finance to discuss future venues of collaboration. These exploitation partnering events are focused on products or solutions that need to be valorized and exploited.
Who should attend?
Exploitation partnering events will bring together participants of health relevant projects, which have a potential for commercialization, with the technology-transfer-oriented clientele of the EEN as well as other potential partners, together with stakeholders from finance and VC (“one-stop shop”). SMEs and entrepreneurs/researchers in search and need of strategic partners to bring their innovations to the market will be targeted and matched with potential partners to explore opportunities for business creation, financial support and further public-private collaborations.