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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - FTI-Financial aspects

Yes, but the scientific expertise and design of prototype should be within the consortium. However, engaging a technical subcontractor for building the prototype is possible. Air Jordan XIV High
Under FP7 a Commission decision of 21/01/2011, Article II.14.1 of Annex II of the ECGA was followed to allow SME owners who do not receive a salary and other natural persons who do not receive a salary, to charge as personnel costs a flat rate based on the allowances used in the People Specific Programme ("Marie Curie" flat-rates).Womens Running Shoes

Yes, as far as these processes are needed for an innovative service or product to be pushed to the previous steps before market uptake.


Only development of most innovative products or services will be funded. If these are needed for scale up, then yes.


There is no explicit limit for subcontracting.

If communication and interaction activities with potential investors or customers, or dissemination of milestone achievements during the project (under a work-package 'communication and dissemination activities') are necessary to implement the project, then those costs are eligible. Activities or products purely intended to support commercial purposes do not qualify as eligible costs.NIKE AIR MAX

You must already provide a rough strategy in your application. Design of tailored strategies can be funded.


Yes, as well as the preparation and fill of a patent.


If you mean analytical services, yes.

Question details: 
Please note that the SME is a first time applicant and has mainly borne research costs (so the proceeds are of course very low). The company was incorporated 5 years ago.
As coordinator you have to pass the financial viability check. If this raises problems, it might be better if another partner is the coordinator of the project.Air Max 90 Ultra 2.0 Flyknit

As in any other Horizon 2020 project: personal, consumables, subcontractors...


Research should not be a main focus of an FTI action, so equipment for research is difficult to get funded.


For all innovation activities, a flat rate for indirect costs applies.