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ENTENTE Life Sciences Investment Forum
Are you a R&D SME active in the life sciences sector developing innovative products or technologies? Are you seeking for funding or partnering in the next 24 months?
If so, we would like to invite you to participate to the ENTENTE Life Sciences Investment Forum on the 8-9 October in Brussels, during the European Biotech Week.
This event will give you the chance to pitch your innovation developments and needs in front of an international jury consisting of about 40 business angels, venture capitalists, corporate investors and other industry experts. Application and participation is free of charge but based on selection. Only the 28 most attractive companies to investors will be invited to join the forum.
Information provided in your application will be visible to the members of the selection committee and to the members of the International Venture Club. The profiles of the selected companies will be published in the ENTENTE-Life Sciences Investment Forum conference binder.
Learn more about the programme, the investors’ jury and apply here! Deadline: 29 August
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