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Getting access to a collaborative platform
Do you plan to prepare an application for a Horizon 2020 call and do you need a collaborative platform with restricted access in order to ease your work and the contribution of your partners?
The platform allows Horizon 2020 project initiators and their collaborators to share access to restricted collaborative work sections in the project preparation, negotiation and management.
Access to a session of SUCCEED-IT Collaborative Platform for you and your partners
What can you expect?
If you choose to use this collaborative platform, it is an easy and efficient way to prepare successful Horizon 2020 projects. This collaborative platform works on the principle of cloud computing. It allows information sharing, specific advices, getting access to training material, document repository and Q&A support to researchers and SMEs for the Horizon 2020 project preparation phase.
Each project coordinator can use this professional virtual management platform to develop its project content, communicate with its collaborators, and to prepare task implementation and budget on a direct and real-time internet basis. Each user finds his own updated documents and receives personalized "digests" with updated information and latest list of deliverables, themes developed in the Discussion Fora, agenda items, reporting procedures, etc. Collaborative work sections created are restricted to invited persons only and cannot be accessed by external visitors.
Who should use it?
Free access to Succeed-IT is provided to consortia that are preparing Horizon 2020 project applications during the period of the preparation and negotiation of the contract.
Once the project is financed by the EC, the costs of a collaborative platform are 100% eligible to fall under "management costs".
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