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International Training for Horizon 2020 Applicants in Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
“Fit for Health 2.0” is organising a free of charge full-day international training on 23rd June, in Madrid, Spain. The training is addressing applicants of the upcoming Call on Health, demographic change and wellbeing, Personalised Medicine, planned to be launched by the end of September 2015.
The event is tailored to representatives and researchers from companies, universities, research institutes, hospitals, and patient organisations, which are in the process of coordinating or actively participating in the preparation of a proposal for the one-stage H2020-PM-2016 Call. As this hands-on, interactive training is restricted to 50 participants you will be asked to provide some short details of the proposal that you plan to submit.
During this full-day interactive training, our trainers with comprehensive experience in the Framework Programme will address in detail how to write the proposal, focussing on the dedicated sections of an application.
Please note that the training is not open for consultants!
If you are planning to participate in or to coordinate a proposal submission for the H2020-PM-2016 Call, this is your opportunity and a perfect time to get more information and practical advice!
See detailed description within the agenda.
For further information please contact Ines Haberl:
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