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International Strategy Development Training for Life Sciences Executives of SMEs
“Fit for Health 2.0” in collaboration with LISAvienna organized an international strategy development training, with a focus on innovative business solutions and smart financing. This training was organised in collaboration with an international Business Treff, taking place the day before.
The international strategy development training for Life Sciences Executives of SMEs, organized by the EU-funded initiative “Fit for Health 2.0” took place on October 13th, 2016, in Vienna.
The training was tailored to senior executive representatives of high-tech / research intensive SMEs of all health-related sectors (incl. pharma, biotech, med-tech, therapeutics, diagnostics, e-health, high-end research services etc.) who see clear growth potential, and who have not completed their product/services development yet.
In particular, the training concentrated on the following aspects and difficulties that executives usually face developing their technology, products and their organization:
An introduction to the principles of valuation and negotiation with equity investors in life sciences, followed by a case study in which we valued a drug in development and discuss how to negotiate a fair licensing deal.
Case studies also helped to understand which pitfalls can be circumvented and what needs to be considered for your business planning around Intellectual Property including "Freedom to Operate".
Moreover, better understanding about writing and communicating your business plans were discussed.
The training took place at premises of LISAvienna, aws - Startup Center, Walcherstrasse 11A, 1020 Vienna, Austria.
For more information please contact:
Ines Haberl,
Mercurial Superfly Heritage FG