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Entrepreneurship and Business Planning in health/life sciences
The Academy organized by SKEMA aims at providing participants the necessary tools for planning and executing on their business ideas, transforming them from mere ideas to successful ventures. As for all Health2Market training activities, participation is free of charge.
Detailed agenda is available here
Context and training description:
Entrepreneurship is the art of recognition and exploitation of opportunities. Transforming opportunities into entrepreneurial ventures requires that individuals not only possess knowledge, but that they also have the cognitive abilities that allow them to formulate value and exploit that knowledge. Particular focus will be put on the health/life science issues that arise when trying to create a new venture.
Participants will experience the entrepreneurs mindset and acquire methods and tools to structure, formulate and pitch their business plan through an intense accelerated academy. They will benefit from cross-fertilization with their peers, and best practice transfers, coaching and feedbacks from entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and key stakeholders of local innovation systems.
Join us to?
- Evaluate the potential of your innovation with the ISMA 360° methodology
- Experience the combination of skills required to launch a new venture and practice the entrepreneurial mindset and toolkit
- Develop and formulate the synthetized pitched business plan for your innovation
- Pitch in front of peers, investors and stakeholders to provide a clear, short and valuable understanding of your entrepreneurial project
Who should attend?
This training is dedicated to health/life science researchers, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs holding an entrepreneurial project.
Registration is available here
Registration will be open until: 29th of August 2014