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Which amount will be reimbursed from the beneficiary to its third Party providing in-kind contribution

Question details: 
actual direct costs of third Party for ist infrastructure: 20.000 Euro, actual indirect costs 10.000 EURO (total 30.000 EURO costs); beneficiary will receive from EU only 25.000 EURO (100%+25% indirect costs), does the beneficiary has to pay to the linked third Party providing in-kind contribution at the premises of the Third Party only 25.000 EURO or the complete 30.000 EURO
The beneficiary will reimburse the actual direct costs. Concerning the reimbursement of the indirect cost two different cases my apply: either not taken into account if the in-kind contribution is used in the premises of the beneficiary or taken into account by using the 25% flat-rate if the in-kind contributions are used in the third party’s premises. In this case, the direct costs actually incurred by the third party may be increased by a flat-rate of 25% on those costs. For more details and examples see annotated Grant Agreement Article 11.ЖЕНЩИНЫ