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How can you distinct between subcontracts and cost for services as service contracts in research projects?
Question details:
How can you distinct between subcontracts and cost for services as service contracts in research projects: are pure measures of scientific samples belonging to services (if not including scientific work) and in contrast is a R&D contract including research belonging to subcontract? How can you then proceed in a marginal case like blood measurements with a resulting standard analysis which later on will be scientifically evaluated and incorporated into the work action?
To a large extend, the distinction between contracts and subcontracts is project-specific. If the work to be outsourced is defined as an action task in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement, the related contract is considered a subcontract. In contrast, a contract does not cover the implementation of an action task, but is necessary for the implementation of a task by beneficiaries themselves.Nike Zoom Vomero 14