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How can the unit costs be calculated to "be the same for all members of the consortium” as stated in 1.9 in the template for clinical trials?

Question details: 
In a clinical study involving different countries with very different actual cost levels, (personnel costs of doctors, other medical personnel and technical personnel) e.g. one very high, one very low, how can the unit costs be calculated to "be the same for all members of the consortium” as stated in 1.9 in the template for clinical trials?
For unit costs, the EC foresees different cost levels for different beneficiaries (see table in the template you are referring to column 3 & 4 + example provided in the table). While the total amount per unit can vary between beneficiaries of a consortium, the estimated effort (e.g. time of a doctor spent per unit & amount of resources used per unit) must be the same for one trial, study investigation.Nike News