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Can we use the CT template also for SME instrument phase 2 submissions?
The template 'Essential information to be provided for clinical trials…’ mentions Horizon 2020 single-stage and stage-2 topics for which it is mandatory to complete the template. For respective topics you will have the possibility to upload the completed template as a separate part of your application in the submission system. For all other topics - if a proposal contains a clinical study - you are welcome (but not obliged) to use the structure provided in the template (or an adapted version) and integrate this information in section 1.3 (‘Concept and approach’) or in the relevant work package in section 3.1 (‘Work plan – Work packages, deliverables and milestones’) of part B of the proposal. If required, the table provided in section 1.9 of this template on unit costs can in this case be provided in section 3.4 (‘Resources to be committed’) of part B of the proposal.Off White X Max 98