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International Strategy Development Training
“Fit for Health 2.0” in collaboration with Medicon Valley Alliance, ScanBalt Bioregion and the IPR-helpdesk is organizing an international strategy development training, with a focus on innovative business solutions and smart financing.
The training is tailored to senior executive representatives of high-tech / research intensive SMEs of all health-related sectors (incl. pharma, biotech, med-tech, therapeutics, diagnostics, e-health, high-end research services etc.) who see clear growth potential, and who have not completed their product/services development yet.
In particular, the training will focus on the following aspects and difficulties that executives usually face developing their technology, products and their organization:
- Writing and communicating the business plan. Understanding basic business strategy and implementing it with respect to eg "Freedom to Operate" (Morris S. Berrie, TTS Global Initiative – UK)
- Business models: traditional and evolving models. A brief look at various scenarios that can be adapted and applied to generate interest (Christian J. Suojanen, TTS Global Initiative – UK)
- Innovative Business Planning around Intellectual Property (IP) – with a specific focus on Life Science Companies (Sebastian Tegethoff, 24 IP Law Group – Germany)
- An introduction to the principles of valuation and negotiation with equity investors in life sciences, followed by a case study in which we will value a drug in development and discuss how to negotiate a fair licensing deal (Aitana Peire, Venture Valuation – Switzerland)
As this hands-on, interactive training is restricted to 50 participants you will be asked to provide some short information during registration.
Please note that the training is not open for consultants.
See detailed description: agenda_strategy_training_copenhagen_final_for_website2.pdf
The event will take place from 8-9 October 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The training will take place at Medicon Valley Alliance (
Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2. Ørestad City
DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
For further information please contact
Frank Heemskerk, Research and Innovation Management Services
phone +32 16 47 40 92
Registration info:
Participation at the event is limited to 50 companies
We have specified selection criteria on the basis of the following questionnaire.
Please provide us with detailed information so that we can confirm your participation or decline it.
Deadline for registration is 7 October 2015
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