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Register for the 'Accelerating R&I Excellence in High Potential Countries and Regions in Europe' workshop
- Sep 05, 2018
Register for the 'Accelerating R&I Excellence in High Potential Countries and Regions in Europe' workshop
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in partnership with the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy is organising an interactive workshop on research and innovation (R&I) in widening countries and regions. The aim is to gain insights into national experiences in order to help improve R&I performance throughout the EU.
What key national measures beyond EU intervention can build strong national R&I ecosystems?
How to improve research management and the responsiveness of governments to newly emerging scientific and social issues?
How to enhance synergies between funding sources and policies at different levels to ensure a coherent support of the entire R&I spectrum across the EU?
Register by 28 September for this interactive workshop and contribute to the debate.
Registration (click on the "Add session" button at the end of the page)