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International Strategy Development Training
International Strategy Development Training: a personal strategic development workshop for Life Sciences Executives of SMEs
Do you want to strengthen your business plan for your SME?, or refresh your thinking about the way to market?, somewhere can you talk to expert advisers, VCs, lawyers, regulatory experts and compare notes with other SMEs in a private no-risk setting?
The "Fit for Health 2.0" consortium, in collaboration with Barcelona Activa and BioCat, organizes an European international strategy development training for Life Sciences Executives.
This training offers Executive level managers and business owners of Life Science SMEs with a unique opportunity to discuss how to overcome the strategic challenges to unleash high growth potential.
Senior experts and trainers in financing & venture capital, regulatory affairs, IPR & legal issues, internationalization strategies and business development management will contribute to this unique opportunity for life sciences entrepreneurs.
The workshop is a 24 hour experience: the training starts on 29th April late afternoon with a key note lecture and some first interactive sessions. The following day, both, short lectures for the whole groups as well as plenty of time for individual modules are planned. The training contains keynote speeches which paint some of the difficulties that executives usually face developing their technology, products and their organization over a span of 5 years or longer. In the subsequent 3 personal development modules the participants join small groups to work through the issues that are of most relevance to them: you will be able to learn from each other and from the successful industry experts assisting each workshop.
The workshop will accept up to 40 delegates and there is no registration fee, but travel to Barcelona and accommodation should be born by the participants themselves.
The workshop is open to high-tech/ research intensive SMEs in the sectors of MedTech, Therapeutics, Diagnostics, high-end research services, etc, with a clear growth potential, and who have not completed their product/services development yet. Please consider that registration for the event is not open to consultants!
Upon registration, we will ask you to complete a form to provide additional information on your background and specific interests
Deadline for Registration is 20 April 2014.
See detailed description with Draft Agenda here
For more information please contact:
Dr Frank Heemskerk, Research and Innovation Management Services, Tel: +32 16 47 40 92
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