Download the conference brochure here.
- High profile speakers – keynote presentations by a.o. Wouter Bos (VUmc), Sjaak Vink (myTomorrows), Jaap Goudsmit (Crucell) and Rob van Leen (DSM & topsector LSH).
- Debate about the future of healthcare led by Eric Claassen with panel members: Roelof Konterman (board member Achmea), Tom Oostrom (SGF & Kidney Foundation), Elisabeth Vroom (United Parent Projects MD) and Sjaak Vink (myTomorrows).
- Prevention – presentations by Alex Friedrich (UMCG), Ab Osterhaus (Erasmus MC), J.P. Larsen (Sense) and Thomas Plochg (NPHF).
- Diagnosis – presentation by Hans Hofstraat (Philips), Peter Luijten (CTMM), Philip Scheltens (Parelsnoer Instituut) and Jan Groen (MDxHealth).
- Cure – presentations by Ton Rijnders (TI Pharma), Hans Schikan (Prosensa), Hergen Spits (AIMM Therapeutics) and Johan Garssen (Danone Nutricia Research).
- Care – presentations by Bas Bloem (UMC St Radboud), Dik Hermans (Vita Valley), Guus van Montfort (ActiZ) and Pim Ketelaar (Vital Innovators).
- Cancer Therapy – presentations by Jan van de Winkel (Genmab), René Bernards (NKI), Kees Melief (ISA Pharmaceuticals) and Ton Logtenberg (Merus).
- Finance – presentations by Clemens van Blitterswijk (LSP), Erik van den Berg (AM-Pharma), Ferenc Marofka (European Commission), Ilse Pastoors (Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit) and Charles Gimbrère (College voor Zorgverzekeringen).
- Medical Technology – presentations by Wiro Niessen (Quantib and Erasmus MC), Jenny Dankelman (TU Delft), Christine Mummery (LUMC) and Guus van Dongen (EATRIS).
- Intellectual Property – lead by V.O. with presentations of Jenny Cromsigt (V.O.), Cristianne Rijcken (Cristal Therapeutics) and Stephanie van Wermeskerken (Philips).
- Innovation pitches – by a.o. VitalNext, abcdeSIM, JAPPS, Newtricious, SynAffix and BioMedBooster.
- Life Sciences Outlook 2014 – presentation by The Decision Group.
- VIP dinner at restaurant La Sirène
On the interactive exhibition you can:
- Attend Product demonstrations – a.o. from Diagnoptics (diabetes screening and cardiovasculair risk assesment), HydroZONE (3D printing for fabrication of cartilage implant) Virtual Proteins and Lifeclinic (health check).
- Meet many exhibitors – a.o. Amsterdam BioMed Cluster, BioConnection, Clinical Trial Service, Evalan, OCS Consulting, PNO, PSI, Pivot Park, Quadra, Sinensis, SMS-oncology, Sysmex, STW, ttopstart and World Courier. On the website you can find an updated list of exhibitors.
- Conceptual Designs of Healthcare Innovation – new ideas and concepts of designers of a.o.The Design Academy Eindhoven.
- Poster presentations - PhD students and postdocs in healthcare present their research.
- Meet the Expert – personal talks with experts of a.o. 3D-PharmXchange, AsjesBisseling, Catalyze, EP&C, Nederlandsch Octrooibureau, SMS-oncology en V.O.
- Meet the Investor – discuss your plan personally with an investor from a.o. BioGeneration Ventures, Life Sciences Partners, MS Ventures en Thuja Capital.
The following awards will be presented at Innovation for Health:
- Upcoming Scientist Poster Award – the prize for the best poster presentation, sponsored by Crucell and handed out by Jaap Goudsmit.
- AXON Innovation for Health Pitch Award – the prize for the best innovation pitch, sponsored by AXON Lawyers and handed out by Carine van den Brink.
- Conceptual Design Award – award for the best conceptual design solution for a healthcare problem handed out by Robert Zwijnenberg, Director The Arts and Genomics Centre.
Satellite workshops
Besides the own program, several satellite workshops are organised on February 11th, that are open to the visitors of Innovation for Health:
- Pivot Park Screening Center workshop
- Nederlandsch Octrooibureau (NLO) workshop
- Workshop Horizon 2020 – organised by Nether and AgentschapNL
Register now!
The online registration fees are:
- Business delegate: €250, excl. VAT
- Academia: €150, excl. VAT
- (PhD) students: €50, excl. VAT
- VIP Dinner reception: €200, excl. VAT
Register now for Innovation for Health 2014